Today (Friday 8th March) we celebrate International Women’s Day and celebrate how far we’ve come to inspire inclusion here at Hitchin Belles Football Club. 

 In June 2016 at the AGM, we had 3 Women involved in an active role at the club, we proposed 9 teams for the following season, and we had just over 100 registered players. Fast forward to the AGM in June 2020, we had 11 Women involved in active roles, 20 teams and 300 registered players. Today we have, 21 Women involved in an active role, 30 teams and just under 450 registered players. 

We’ve made huge and steady progress and that is testament to the incredible volunteers (past and present) we have who are extremely passionate about developing the club, but we still have a long way to go with females making up only 17% of the club volunteering workforce. 

 Here at Hitchin Belles FC, not only do we want to make sure more girls have access to playing football, but we also want more female role models and representation involved. Our ambition is for every team to have a female coach working with them. 

Hitchin Belles FC is the largest all-female football club in the County of Hertfordshire and 2nd largest nationally, and it is imperative we continue to and collectively forge a more inclusive world for women and girls. 

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Posted on 08th Mar 2024, by

Hitchin Belles